Is 43:22-28

22Yet you did not call upon me, Jacob,*

for you grew weary of me, Israel.

23You did not bring me sheep for your burnt offerings,

nor honor me with your sacrifices.

I did not exact from you the service of offerings,

nor weary you for frankincense.f

24You did not buy me sweet cane,*

nor did you fill me with the fat of your sacrifices;

Instead, you burdened me with your sins,

wearied me with your crimes.

25It is I, I, who wipe out,

for my own sake, your offenses;

your sins I remember no more.

26Would you have me remember, have us come to trial?

Speak up, prove your innocence!

27Your first father* sinned;

your spokesmen rebelled against me

28Till I repudiated the holy princes,

put Jacob under the ban,

exposed Israel to scorn.